Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gearing up for the opening of the tri-county Homes for Heroes program.

Gearing up for the opening of the tri-county Homes for Heroes program, Real Estate Broker Harry Roop is surrounded by his program coordinators at Exit Shore Realty, and by Lt. David Hearn and Capt. Gary Bratten of the Pittsville Volunteer Fire Department. Pictured are Micki James, office manager; Realtors Joel Maher, Stan Mengel, Vickie Rohrer, Brad Rayfield, Candace Hiatt, Roop, and firemen Hearn and Bratten. The Homes for Heroes program offers discounts and rebates to our service heroes from military, firefighters, law enforcement, teachers, nurses and other heroes when they buy and/or sell a home. The public is invited to the Exit Shore Realty HFH Grand Opening, Mon., May 30, 11:30 a.m. at the Exit office, 327 Tilghman Road. For more information, contact Exit Shore Realty at 410-912-0310.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Homes for Heroes is coming to Worcester, Wicomico and Somerset Counites

Our Community Heroes
 “Service deserves its rewards.” In the aftermath of 9/11, as America watched thousands of volunteers and first responders put their lives in danger…as we bring home our battle-scarred military men and women from the Middle East today, we see what real heroes are made of. They’re our friends and neighbors, ordinary people who are willing to sacrifice their all for our safety and freedom—real heroes, who deserve a helping hand.
Homes for Heroes® was founded a decade ago to bring together realtors, lenders, and other housing services, to provide substantial discounts and rebates to our heroes: military and medical personnel, firefighters, law enforcement officers, teachers, and others.
As the Homes for Heroes representative for the tri-county area, my goal is to make sure that all of our heroes are aware of the maximum benefits available to them when buying and/or selling a home. We offer the largest and most extensive savings program in real estate. A growing network of businesses is now supporting Homes for Heroes by offering discounts and rebates to our local Heroes who use the program.
On behalf of Homes for Heroes, I am inviting you and the heroes of our tri-county area to join me in announcing this new program available to our local community heroes.
We will be unveiling the Homes for Heroes program at
11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 30, 2011
327 Tilghman Road, Suite 100
The office of Exit Shore Realty in Salisbury.
It is not my intention to garner your endorsement of this program, but rather to extend an invitation and opportunity for all of us as a community to come together and show our appreciation to the Heroes in our community.
Please let me know by Friday, May 20th, if you are able to attend this event. Feel free to call me at 410-912-0310 for additional information on this program. I encourage you to visit the web site at 
I look forward to your joining us at the presentation of this great opportunity for our local heroes.
